Transforming My Health and Fitness

Alma S.
“When I first met Brett, I had been leading a sedentary life for about 4.5 years or so – and when I say sedentary, I mean it!
I hadn’t done any exercise or participated in any sport consistently during that time. The only physical exercise I had gotten in those many years was a month-long stint in a beginners Kung Fu class and an even shorter period attempting to go swimming once or twice a week. The fact that thanks to good genetics I’d hold onto a petite physical frame for a few more years did little to encourage me to start doing physical exercise again.
However, I had a sinking feeling that my general health was declining – I was frequently tired, had to rely on multiple cups of coffee for energy, and would be out of breath from going up only one flight of stairs. I had continuous back and knee pain due to scoliosis, and a trip to my doctor confirmed what I had already feared: my cholesterol had shot above it’s upper limit. All of these problems – at age 26!
So when I signed up for job requiring me to be physically fit enough to withstand a rigorous training, including pushups, situps, sprints, and long-distance runs (something with which I always struggled due to childhood asthma, I knew I had to get a personal trainer to help me out. I was fortunate enough that I was assigned to Brett for my trial session – if I had had to pick out a personal trainer myself, I would never have been able to pick a better one than Brett!
Brett not only figured out very quickly what I had to do to get in shape for my exam, he also helped me strengthen all the requisite muscles in my body to alleviate the pains I’ve been having. Knee pain – gone! Back pain – disappeared! And my results from my physical fitness exam are spectacular. When we first met, Brett had me try to do all the exercises I would have to perform. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I collapsed on the third push up – and I had trouble walking the long distance I have to run.
Nowadays, I can do 40 pushups – after doing about 45 situps in a minute and sprinting .2 miles in 61 sections. oh, and I run about a 8 minute mile – when I’m tired. Brett’s infinite knowledge of both fitness general physical well-being (he’s practically a trainer and therapist in one!), as well as his great ability in knowing how to challenge me to push myself beyond what I think I can do, while still being extremely supportive, is a major reason why I am now very confident about succeeding on my physical exam – and why I am a much healthier person! I cannot thank him enough for being the best trainer I could have asked for.”
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